Group Sewing Lessons

You can schedule a group sewing lesson for learning skills together, or for a fun and social learning experience, both with family or friends,

Whether you're all beginners or looking to advance your skills, or a mix of skill levels, our group lessons offer a friendly and supportive environment for between 2-6 participants, with special group prices. 

They can be a one-off event or ongoing skill building sessions.

Book 2hrs, Morning or Afternoon even a Full Day 

Customized Group Lessons

Our group sewing lessons are flexible and designed to be a friendly and fun activity, taking place within a large space where all the training room facilities are at your disposal. This allows for an interactive and engaging learning experience, (or if its more of a social get together we can emphasise on the fun.)

Jenny, our Sewing Tutor, ensures that group lessons are tailored to the participants' needs and skill levels by having a discussion beforehand to set an appropriate project within the timescale booked. because we're flexible this can be an individual project where you all create the same item but with your own unique twist, or we can find a group project where you all make a different section that comes together in one finished item, great if you want to make a communal gift,

This personalized approach ensures that each participant gets the most out of the group lesson.

Benefits of Group Sewing Lessons

Participating in group sewing lessons provides the unique opportunity to learn alongside friends or family, helping each other and staying motivated throughout the learning process, therefore offering a supportive and collaborative environment where everyone can learn and grow together. 

Don't forget the cost benefit, 1 pupil is full price, each additional pupil is half-price,  split the cost and you all save.

other options

We do have a kitchenette, with kettle, toaster, microwave, and fridge, even a kitchen sink!  so if you are booking Half or All day you may bring refreshments, and although I don't want to be a party pooper I must say, No Alcohol, (it hurts a lot if you stitch your finger)

Possible Projects

these are just some ideas,

Ready to Start Sewing with Friends?

Join our group sewing lessons for a fun and interactive learning experience. Book your spot today!